The years before the Eruption
The existing archeological findings on Akrotiri, clearly demonstrate that before the eruption, there was a developed and propably oligarchic life on the island which confirm the human presence above the island before the Bronze Age. So far no human body has been found killed by the eruption but there is a strong believe that had been warned in time to evacuate the island. 
The big excavation of Akrotiri certifies that and in the next period, Middle-Cycladic (2000-1550 BC.) the human activity above in the island did not also stop:
the Middle and early Late Bronze Age (ca. 20th-17th centuries B.C.) it was extended and gradually developed into one of the main urban centres and ports of the Aegean. The large extent of the settlement (ca. 20 hectares), the elaborate drainage system, the sophisticated multi-storeyed buildings with the magnificent wall-paintings, furniture and vessels, show its great development and prosperity. The various imported objects found in the buildings indicate the wide network of its external relations. Akrotiri was in contact with Crete but also communicated with the Greek Mainland, the Dodecanese, Cyprus, Syria and Egypt.

The Head The Harpist Seated Figurine

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